- Saguaro Clinic1643 North Alvernon Way
Unit 102
Tucson, AZ 85712(520) 319-9711 Hours:
By Appointment
Latest Articles:
- • Strategies to Stay Calm and Joyful During the Season •
- • How to Stay Mentally Resilient in the Colder Months •
- • Three Delicious and Healthy Soup Recipes to Keep Warm This Winter •
Healthy Foods for Fall
The season of fall brings cooler weather and shorter days. As with any season, the world adjusts accordingly. Plants begin to go dormant, animals begin scrounging for food to store to get them through the upcoming winter months and humans start winterizing everything.
As fall descends on the land, it reminds us we need to start cutting back on the numerous cooling foods that are consumed during the summer months. Things like raw foods, salads, juices and fruits should be decreased because they can create too much cold in the body, according to traditional Chinese medicine. continue reading
Five Reasons to Get Acupuncture for Low Back Pain
Statistics show eight out of 10 people will experience low back pain at some point during their life. Seeking medical treatment for back pain is very common. Typically back pain is fleeting and can be easily resolved with rest, heat and an occasional anti-inflammatory like ibuprofen. However, once the damage is done, the recurrence of back pain can be as high as 50 percent. Part of this is because as we age, things like muscles and tendons become less flexible and pliable. It is also very well known in the United States, people are too sedentary and this leads to excess weight gain that can create added pressure on the body, especially the low back. continue reading
Saturday Appointments Available: Massage/Acupuncture
You can receive work from three licensed practitioners on Saturdays: Massage therapy with Georgeanna Kavanaugh and Sandy Pena ; acupuncture with Deborah Malone.
To insure the time when it serves YOU best, please call a week or several days ahead. Debi can be reached at (520) 471-780; Georgeanna (520) 241-7024 and Sandy at (520) 990-6037.
New Offering: De-Stress PRIOR to the Weekend
What would be better than getting rid of accumulated stress during the weekend? Aha! Getting rid of it BEFORE the weekend. We have instituted a Thursday evening Relax Your Self special clinic for friends, neighbors and patients so you don’t have to wait to have a better Friday and weekend.
Beginning on Thursday, May 21 from 6-7 pm you can come in and receive this special session for only $15 . Enjoy your life more right away! See you soon.
March: Brain Injury Awareness Month
March is Brain Injury Awareness Month.
Causes of traumatic brain injury include falls (40.5%) and car accidents (14.3%). If you or someone you love, or know, has had a TBI, Eastern medicine techniques can help restore much more normal brain function. We have special treatments which help immediately.
Even after being rear-ended in a car accident you have had a traumatic brain injury and your focus and mental clarity are less. The higher the speed of the accident, the greater the loss of memory and cognitive function. I know this is true not just from the literature but because I was rear-ended myself.
The great news is the degree of change you can experience immediately. Call 319-9711 for an appointment. Even 7 years later, mental function can be greatly improved.
Thank you.
New Movement Class
Hello, My name is John Nicholson, and I am a SURVIVOR.
I believe in and have used Acupuncture and forms of Tai Chi
“Energy” to help heal my body.
I practice a combination of the following:
Yijin Jing – Classic Muscle/Tendon change,
Daoyin Yang Shen Gong Shi Er Fa – Pulling of Chakra Energy,
Da Wu – Exercises to help Joint Lubrication,
Tai Chi Yang Sheng Zhan – Tai Chi Form
Ba Duan Jin Qigong – Eight exercises to help facilitate joint movement.
Please Join me in Improving Your Quality of Life.
In the Studio A Building at 639 East Speedway, Tucson, AZ 85705
Wednesday mornings 9:00 am 520 – 319-9711 $15/class First attendance free
Bees’ Knees Small Group Acupuncture Clinic
Are you having a hard time walking up stairs due to knee pain? Have you stopped your daily walk because your knees simply hurt too much? Afraid to go to a yoga class because of knee pain? Stopped your daily run due to knee pain or knee injury? Miss walking every week with your friends?
Beginning on January 23, 2015 the Bees’ Knees Specialty Clinic will treat 8 folks at a time in a private, casual and comfortable setting: Saguaro Clinic. Five sessions are $175. From 1-3 pm every Friday except holidays Debi Malone, L. Ac. and Helene Sorkin, L. Ac. are treating people to get them moving again indoors and outdoors too. We will use acupuncture or beads and/or cold laser therapy. We know how important it is to your happiness and life satisfaction to be able to keep moving in the ways we all treasure most. For daily life to be simple, more possible and joyous. Please call to arrange your space. Only 8 spaces — they will go fast. If you miss this one, there will be another immediately after in March 2015. We plan to see you there. Please join us.
Weight Loss Specialty Clinic a Wonderful Success
Helene Sorkin, L. Ac. and Debi Malone, L. Ac. began a small group specialty Weight Loss Clinic some months ago. It runs on Monday evenings. It has been a wonderful experience for them but especially for the participants! Many of the first group (7 week sign-up) also took advantage of the Weight Loss Yoga Class that happens on Wednesday nights as well. Georgeanna Kavanaugh, LMT and Yoga Therapist is teaching this class. You can tell by the use of the ‘present tense’ that both sessions are on-going.
Most participants in the first group lost 5 pounds the very first week. Fantastic!
Both are ready for a new influx of participants for the New Year. A few people are continuing on so as to further themselves through treatments, the yoga class, the camaradarie and support toward their goals. A weekly email of useful tips also continues along with handouts to give general/specific dietary or lifestyle support. Very reasonably priced as we believe this is a very big boon to better health, the 7 session acupuncture package is $245; the 7 yoga class package is $52. The very first yoga class is free.