Helene Sorkin, L. Ac. and Debi Malone, L. Ac. began a small group specialty Weight Loss Clinic some months ago. It runs on Monday evenings. It has been a wonderful experience for them but especially for the participants! Many of the first group (7 week sign-up) also took advantage of the Weight Loss Yoga Class that happens on Wednesday nights as well. Georgeanna Kavanaugh, LMT and Yoga Therapist is teaching this class. You can tell by the use of the ‘present tense’ that both sessions are on-going.
Most participants in the first group lost 5 pounds the very first week. Fantastic!
Both are ready for a new influx of participants for the New Year. A few people are continuing on so as to further themselves through treatments, the yoga class, the camaradarie and support toward their goals. A weekly email of useful tips also continues along with handouts to give general/specific dietary or lifestyle support. Very reasonably priced as we believe this is a very big boon to better health, the 7 session acupuncture package is $245; the 7 yoga class package is $52. The very first yoga class is free.